“13th Session of the IRENA Assembly in Abu Dhabi, UAE”

18 January 2022
The overarching theme of the Assembly is “World Energy Transition – The Global Stocktake,” bringing together heads of state, government, ministers, and decision-makers in the energy sector from its Member States, as well as from multilateral organizations, international stakeholders, and private actors, to assess operational plans and policies and to highlight the concerted efforts made to implement the energy transition in various nations, regions, and the global level.
The Honourable Prime Minister of Tonga and Acting Minister for Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change, and Communication, Hu’akavameiliku, led the delegation to the 13th Assembly of the IRENA Session.
He was joined by the Honourable ‘Akau’ola – Ambassador of Tonga to the UAE, Mr. Kakau Foliaki – Director of Energy, Mr. Sione Sonata Tupou- Minister Counsellor, and Ms. ‘Ofa Finau from the Prime Minister’s Office.
The Hon Prime Minister took part in the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Ministerial session of the IRENA Assembly.
In his position as the Prime Minister of Tonga and President of the SIDS-DOCK, the Hon. Prime Minister delivered the opening remarks at the SIDS Ministerial.
He reiterated a number of previously stated global climate commitments that have failed to meet its promises, and with the majority of climate financing flowing to developing nations while SIDS are left behind.
He emphasized that SIDs have particular difficulties and conditions, and that they must receive specific attention because SIDS are most negatively impacted by climate change. The audience enthusiastically applauded the Hon. Prime Minister’s remarks.
Other key issues discussed includes Ocean Energy, Lost and Damage, Regional Climate Finance and COP28. Officials and Ministers of Energy from Palau, Fiji, Tuvalu, Solomon Island, PNG, Vanuatu, Nauru, Samoa and Marshall Islands attended the meeting.