“Early Warnings for All Panel Discussion”

20 September 2023
New York, USA-The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030) identify strengthened early warning systems as a critical component of building the resilience to disasters and crises.
In March 2022, the United Nations Secretary General launched the Early Warnings for All (EW4ALL) initiative to ensure everyone on this Earth is protected from hazardous weather, water, or adverse climate events through live-saving early warning systems by end of 2027.
In that regard, the EW4ALL initiative will need to employ an expansive range of communications channels and technologies, including innovative technological solutions in satellite communications, and leverage public-private partnerships and pioneering financing solutions.
At the margins of the 78th session of the United Nations General Debate, the Chief Secretary and Secretary to Cabinet, Mr. Paula Pouvalu Ma’u, delivered a statement at the “Early Warnings for All Panel Discussion”.
Tonga, is included in the first 30 Countries where the initiative will be implemented. Moreover, having been leading this from the Pacific by implementing a Nationwide Early Warning Systems throughout Tonga with communications and siren systems, with the kind assistance of Japan. The ITU has also provided Tonga with VSAT terminals for disaster early warnings.
The Chief Secretary and Secretary to Cabinet recommended encouraging funding efforts and the development activities of the 4 key agencies responsible for spearheading the EW4ALL to work closely with the Pacific through Weather Ready Pacific Program to deliver these satellite-based innovations to ensure it comes to fruition without delay.
The Chief Secretary and Secretary to Cabinet reaffirmed, “I strongly believe early warning systems and alerts through satellite and improvements in ICT and embracing
innovative advances in Artificial Intelligence will transform the way we do business in this area and propel us forward.”
The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Tonga, H.E. Mr. Va’inga Tone, MP Lord Tu’ilakepa, MP Johnny Vaea Taione, and members of the Tongan Delegation were present to support the Government of Tonga’s commitment.