“Government essential services to remain open during the official lunch hour”

The Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. ‘Aisake Valu Eke, has announced during the press conference held on Thursday, January 30th, 2025 that His Majesty’s Cabinet has approved a new initiative, and that is to allow essential services in all Government Ministries to remain open during the official lunch hour, and to be effective Monday 3rd of February, 2025.
The purpose of this initiative is to make Government services more accessible to the public. This will be advantageous to people from the Hahake and Hihifo villages who travels to Nuku’alofa, and sometimes have to wait until around the lunch hour is over and Government services open. This will allow the public to know that Government essential services will be available all day during the normal working hours.
Some of the essential services to be included in this initiative is the Treasury Services, Ministry of Finance; One Stop Shop and related services, Ministry of Revenue and Customs; Immigration Services, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to name a few. Other services will be announced by each Ministry.
The Hon. Ministers will immediately work with all Chief Executive Offices to assess and identify essential services within their respective Ministries to be made available during the lunch hour. The public will be informed of these services and to start next week on Monday 3rd of February 2025.
“Ngaue ‘a e Ngaahi ‘Ofisi ‘o e Pule’anga ‘oku sevesi ma’a e kakai lolotonga e taimi ma’ume’atokoni ho’ata”
Ngaue ‘a e Ngaahi ‘Ofisi ‘o e Pule’anga ‘oku sevesi ma’a e kakai lolotonga e taimi ma’ume’atokoni ho’ata”
Kuo fakaha ‘e he ‘Eiki Palemia, Toketa ‘Aisake Valu Eke lolotonga ‘a e konifelenisi mo e kau faiongoongo he Tu’apulelulu, Sanuali 30, 2025 ‘a hono tali ‘e he Kapineti ke fakaava ‘a e ngaahi ‘ofisi ‘o e Ngaahi Potungaue e ni’ihi ‘o e Pule’anga ‘oku nau fakahoko fatongia fakapatonu ki he kakai, lolotonga ‘a e taimi ma’ume’atokoni ho’ata, ‘o kamata mei he Monite 3 ‘o Fepueli 2025.
Ko e taumu’a ‘o e ngaue ni ke fakafaingamalie’i e fakahoko fatongia ki he kakai e fonua ‘oku nau ngaue’aki ‘a e ngaahi sevesi ko eni. ‘E kaunga lelei eni ki he kakai ‘o Hahake mo Hihifo ‘oku nau lava mai ki kolo ni pea pau ke nau tatali he taimi ma’ume’atokoni ho’ata ke ava e ngaahi ‘ofisi ‘a e Pule’anga. ‘E lava heni ke ngaue’aki ‘a e ngaahi sevesi ko eni he taimi ‘aho kakato.
‘Oku kau ki heni ‘a e ngaahi Potungaue ko eni ‘a e Potungaue Pa’anga (Va’a ki he Pa’anga); Potungaue ki Muli (Va’a ‘Imikuleisoni); Potungaue Tukuhau mo e Tute (Va’a tafa’aki pa’anga mo e ngaahi ngaue ‘oku fiema’u mo e ngaahi Potungaue kehe pe.
‘E tukuatu ki he kau Minisitaa mo ‘enau kau Pule Ngaue ke nau vakai’i ‘a e ngaahi tafa’aki ‘i he’enau Potungaue takitaha ki ha fa’ahinga sevesi ke kei ngaue pe he lolotonga ‘a e taimi ma’ume’atokoni ho’ata. ‘E fanongonongo ki he fonua ‘a e ngaahi sevesi ko eni ke kamata he uike kaha’u, Monite 3 o Fepueli, 2025.