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“Women in ICT Expo 2024”

21 March 2024

The Prime Minister, Hon Hu’akavameiliku delivered the keynote address for the Women in ICT EXPO 2024 at the Queen Salote Memorial Hall.

The occasion marks significant milestone in technological evolution but also highlights the Government of Tonga’s firm commitment to fostering digital transformation. This 2024 expo accelerate Governments journey towards a digitally empowered society.

Prime Minister told participants that Governments’ objective is to harness technology as a catalyst for positive change.

“We need to educate community to maximize the benefits of digital tools…to foster a digitally literate society that leverages technology for empowerment, safety and constructive engagement.”

He mentioned that the Government of Tonga is fully committed to supporting this journey towards digitalization with plans and policies in place to ensure Tonga remains at the forefront of technological advancement.

He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all who make it possible especially the Tonga Women in ICT for their vision and initiative in making this happen.

The two day ICT expo 2024 will be available for the public to view at the Queen Salote Memorial Hall, today and Friday 22nd March, 2024.

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