“Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. ‘Aisake Valu Eke announces new Cabinet Ministers”

(28th January, 2025)
“Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. ‘Aisake Valu Eke announces new Cabinet Ministers”
The Prime Minister’s Office has the honour of advising members of the public, that His Majesty,
King Tupou VI, upon receiving recommendations from the Prime Minister, the Hon. Dr.’Aisake Valu Eke, has appointed the new Ministers of Government, with effect from today, Tuesday 28th January 2025.
The new members of His Majesty’s Cabinet are as follows, along with their respective portfolios:
- Hon. Dr. ‘Aisake Valu Eke
- Prime Minister;
- Minister for Finance
- Minister for Fisheries
- Minister for Prisons
2. Hon. Dr. Taniela Likuohihifo Fusimalohi
- Deputy Prime Minister;
- Minister for Infrastructure;
- and Minister for Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Communications and Climate Change (MEIDECC).
3. His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince Tupouto’a ‘Ulukalala
- Minister for Foreign Affairs;
- Minister for His Majesty’s Armed Forces
4. Hon. Dr. ‘Uhilamoelangi Fasi
- Minister for Education & Training
- Minister for Lands and Natural Resources
5. Hon. Mateni Tapueluelu
-Minister for Revenue and Customs
6. Hon. Kapeli Militoni Lanumata
- Minister for Trade and Economic Development.
7. Hon. Mo’ale Finau
-Minister for Tourism
-Minister for Justice
8. Hon. Paula Piveni Piukala
- Minister for Public Enterprises
- Minister for Police
- Minister for Fire and Emergency Services
9. Hon. Dr. ‘Ana ‘Akau’ola
- Minister for Health
10. Hon. Dr Siosiua Moala Halavatau
-Minister for Agriculture, Food, Forests
11. Hon. Sinaitakala Tu’itahi
-Minister for Internal Affairs
The Hon Prime Minister will present the letters of appointment to all of the Cabinet Ministers on Thursday 30th January 2025.
Issued by the: The Prime Minister’s Office, P.O. Box 62, Nuku’alofa, Tonga. Tel: (676) 24 644 Fax: (676) 23 888; For
media enquiries- Email: pressroom@pmo.gov.to Website: www.pmo.gov.to