“Water tank project signed by UNDP and Ministry of Finance”

21 March 2024
Nuku’alofa, 20 March 2024:-A letter of Agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP-Governance for Resilience Project and a Memorandum of Understating between Finance and MEIDECC was signed on Wednesday 20 March 2024 at the St George Government Building.
UNDP is funding $1.12 million pa’anga for a risk-informed water tank project, and will focus on schools, where the Ministry of Finance and MEIDECC will partner in implementing the project.
Ms Munkhtuya (Tuya) Altangerel, newly appointed UNDP Resident Representative based in Suva, Fiji signed for UNDP with Ms Pisila ‘Otunuku, Acting CEO for Finance and Mr. Sione Pulotu ‘Akau’ola, CEO for MEIDECC.